Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Rough Week

It's been a rough week, I ended up losing one friend, not because of conflict between us, but for the simple fact that she wasn't allowed to talk to me anymore, because we don't "Know" each other. Granted she lives in another state, so yeah we haven't met face to face, but she still made an impact. I don't know, saying it makes it feel like it was nothing, but she was a good friend. She wanted to keep in contact, but more undercover (no nothing bad, she was a group friend, so she wanted to keep in contact with the group), but I couldn't do it. As much as I am going to miss her, I already felt bad. I feel like it's my fault she got in trouble..Anyways, I also almost lost another friend, because I expressed my annoyance to a friend of ours, and that friend may have tossed it at him. He got mad at me, because I didn't tell him, and instead had it get tossed at him from someone else, but I am not one to confront, and he knows that. It's not my fault if the words were thrown at him...but maybe it is...I don't know...and I know this instance doesn't affect me really, but two people I know broke up, and it was sad to see that happen. I've only known them together, so it just seems odd. Don't get me started on the problems my xbox has been having, that's just annoying.

The week has just been really odd, and i honestly feel like i have been drifting away from humanity. I feel like I'm losing emotions, and not able to do anything anymore. I don't have a job, though to be honest i am not looking very hard for one, because why get one? Why get a job that pays minimum wage, when right when you get that job, you have to start paying taxes on everything. I'd rather not go in debt, because of taxes. However, i know i have to get a job sooner or later, I just wish it was what i wanted to do...But what do i want to do? I have no skills in any certain thing like most people. I'm not an expert artist, that could easily go into a career of that, but then decides not to because "they don't like it". I don't get that luxury, instead I have no skills, I'm a jack of all trades, but what is that going to do for me? I'm not going to get a job as anything if i can't do it well...I just...really don't like this.

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